Martti Raevaara is a professor of blended learning and assessment in art and design education, and a head of Master's programme in Art Education. His teaching and research focus on future orientated learning, teaching and education models, particularly based on blended learning and art and design approach. He is a member of several national and international boards and steering groups and teacher education development projects focused on cross-disciplinary initiatives for innovative learning and education.
Raevaara was a Vice President of Aalto University (2009-2014), in charge of education, especially reforms in learning, teaching and degree programs including learning environments and library. Before this he was a Vice-Rector (2008-2009) and the head of MA eLearning programme Virt@ (2001-2010) at University of Art and Design UIAH, where he worked since 1983 in several academic jobs, as a lecturer, research assistant, professor and department head.